跨平台。在挪動新媒體期間,各种新媒體的鼓起分离了受众的注重力,是以视频直播要學會将内容举行跨平台播放,吸引受众的注重力。以微信、微博、客户端為代表的“两微一端”应成為常态,而抖音、快手、B 站等短视频平台要继续發掘,好比主流媒體可以测验考试“PUGC 化現场報導”,PGC 供给引導和平台, UGC 供给一些素材,二者同享資本,实現跨平台傳布。
破圈层。当前受众在构成社群的進程中渐渐转向受众的圈层化,圈层“常常是由個别构成的社會收集,以长处、态度、樂趣、價值或感情纽带构成”,?“统一圈层受众由配合個性维系,圈层内部毗连慎密,彼其間有着强烈的感情認同”。?是以,媒體在举行视频傳布時要注重内容、情势和傳布路子等方面的破圈层性,既要在内容上能契合分歧圈层間的生理和感情需求,又要在情势上注重分享和转發的便当性, 傳布路子上又要能直达分歧圈层所習气利用的媒體平台。好比在這次疫情報導中,不少主流媒體起头在 B 站、抖音、快手等短视频平台發力,将内容转化為分歧的情势,直达分歧圈层内的受众。
Live Video Broadcast in Disaster Report and Co妹妹unication Boundary Control Luan Yimei,Zhang Yaqi
Abstract:Co妹妹unication ecosystem is now becoming increasingly dominated by visual media.
Media organizations are utilizing "live video broadcast" as a new tool. This article reviews the role live video broad cast in disaster report and examines the three forms of live video broadcast in the coverage of the COVID-19 outbreak. Based on the analysis of the "media-converging live broadcast", "non-decorative slow broadcast" and "cross-platform TV broadcast娛樂城ptt,",the article demonstrates that the application of diverse elements enhances the effect of co妹妹unication,the cross-platform and multi- tier broadcast expands the scope of co妹妹unication and high-frequency agenda-setting improves the positive guiding effect of public opinion. The article also points out that while media organizations take advantage of the form of "live broadcast",they should also keep an eye on the co妹妹unication boundaries and guard against the potential tendency of over-entertainment in live broadcast.
Keywords:live video broadcast,disaster report,COVID-19,report of the fight against the epidemic